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Editatzea & Testu Zuzenketa



Argitaratzeko lanak prestatzea da editatzea, eta badu loturarik testu zuzenketarekin, baina zerbitzu ezberdinak dira. Irakur ezazu ondoko azalpentxo hau bietako zein behar duzun ikusteko.




Zure lana editatzen dudanean, ingelesez sortua duzun edukia hartzaileei egokitzen lagunduko dizut, zure mezua argi eta eraginkorki komunikatzeko gai izan zaitezen. Idazkiak editatzeak aldaketa garrantzitsuak egitea ekarri ohi du gramatikan, hiztegian, egituran eta antolaketa mailan. Editatzeak esan nahi du, baita ere, ortografia, puntuazioa eta formateatzea zuzenak eta egokiak direla bermatzea. Ama hizkuntza ingelesa ez duten idazle gehienek editatze lan hau behar izaten dute.



Zerbitzu hau da ama hizkuntza ingelesa dutenentzat eta, baita ere, gaitasun bertsuaz idazten dutenentzat nahiz eta ama hizkuntza bat izan. Besteren dokumentuak zuzentzen ditudanean, orraztu egiten ditut bermatzeko ortografia, puntuazioa eta formateoa zuzenak eta taxuzkoak direla munduan barrena zabaldu aurretik. Beste itzultzaile batzuen lana ere zuzentzen dut.



Hona hemen editatu edo zuzendu ditudan adibide batzuk, arloka sailkatuta:


Biomedical Engineering 

- articles on haptic drilling devices

- institutional presentation for a biomedical engineering company

- an article on patient-specific abdominal aortic aneurism models

- a series of articles on hepatic artery blow flow models [1] [2] [3]

- haptic pedals for surgery

- a PhD thesis on drug delivery and scaffold degradation


Computer Science 

- an article on usability engineering for mobile applications

- an article on a BLearning platform



- an article on happiness



an article on teacher identity

- an article on communities of practice in teacher education


Electric & Electronic Engineering

- a book on power amplifiers

- a series of papers on bidirectional series-resonant DC/DC converters


Environmental Engineering

- a PhD thesis on a novel control solution for ATADs

- a conference presentation on eco-efficient sewage treatment plant layouts

-a paper on optimizing the control and operation of aeration systems in wastewater treatment 12345plants

- a paper on high-solids anaerobic digestion-composting and composting


Industrial/Operations/Management Engineering

- a PhD thesis on scheduling in manufacturing plants

- an article on demand-oriented production systems and Six Sigma

- a paper on EFQM and information capability

- an article on part feeding in mixed-model assembly lines

- an article on teamwork effectiveness in healthcare and manufacturing

- an article on continuous improvement assessment


Linguistics/Language Acquisition 

- conference abstract on assessment measures for learners of Spanish in a study abroad context

- an article on the stages of acquisition of ser and estar

- an article on L2 acquisition in a study abroad context


Materials Engineering 

- an article on phase transformation in Nb-Mo microalloyed steels

- a chapter on the rolling process

- an article on Nb-Mo microalloyed steel toughness

- an article on torsion tests and softening and recrystallization


Mechanical Engineering 

- a book on prototyping

- a PhD thesis on railway vehicle validation

- an article on modeling a specific task for a real-time training simulator

- an article on the geometry of masonry arch bridges.



Informazio gehiago eskuratzeko edo nire lanaren gaineko erreferentziak ikusteko, mesedez, jo harremanetarako orrira.


Editor and proofreader 

for native and non-native speakers of English since 1991.



Editor and proofreader of academic and scientific texts since 1991.



Extensive professional experience working with texts in education, applied mechanics, materials engineering, environmental engineering, biomedical engineering and industrial management engineering since 2005.



Post-graduate degrees in Linguistics. Primary specializations in psycholinguistics, discourse analysis and syntax; secondary specializations in cognitive science, cognitive psychology and language acquisition.











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