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Zure lantoki barruko eta kanpoko komunikazioak itzuliko ditut espainieratik ingelesera eta frantsesetik ingelesera.

Akademietako agiriak itzuli ditut argitaratzeko, laburpenak hitzaldietarako, txostenak, kalitatearen eskuliburuak eta beste dokumentu batzuk erakundeentzat (Giza Baliabideetako dokumentazioa, segurtasun eskuliburuak, prozedurak), item berriak teknologian eta kultur erakundeetan, web orriak heziketan eta industrian, urteko txostenak, memoriak, inbertitzaileentzako materiala, merkataritzako katalogoak, CV aurkezteko eskutitza, hartzaile orokorrentzako artikuluak eta gidoiak.

Hona hemen azken aldian egindako itzulpen lan batzuk. Informazio gehiago eskuratzeko edo nire lanaren gaineko erreferentziak ikusteko, mesedez, jo harremanetarako orrira.




- an article on TICs (Education)

- a series of articles on the creation of teacher identity (Education)

- an article on educational development in higher education (Education)

- an article on interface design/engineering (Computer Science)

- a conference paper on developing interactive applications (Computer Science)

- a conference paper on Web 2.0 (Computer Science)

- pages relating to student services, scholarships, admissions and degrees for a School of 12345Engineering web page


For a fuller range of academic topics I have worked with, see Editing & Proofreading.




- a presentation to investors for a biomedical engineering company

- news items and job offers for an engineering research center’s web page

- a manual for a human resources portal

- a manual on workplace safety

- quality control documents and testing procedures for a steel manufacturer

- web page items and brochures for a manufacturer of rotary pumps and blowers




- news items for a Basque novelist’s web page

- a general interest article for French current events magazine

- film scripts and synopses

- a calendar for cultural events in Bilbao, Spain

- a text on traditional Spanish costumes













Freelance translator since 2005.

Extensive professional experience working with texts in education, applied mechanics, materials engineering, environmental engineering, biomedical engineering and industrial management engineering since 2005.

Post-graduate degrees in Linguistics. Primary specializations in psycholinguistics, discourse analysis and syntax; secondary specializations in cognitive science, cognitive psychology and language acquisition.

Undergraduate degree in Linguistics with a minor in Spanish.





"It was great working with Wendy because she understood what we wanted to say. She is totally proficent in Spanish and English and she can give us the best advice in either language. At university we have to publish in English if we want to be read, but one of the hardest things to do is to convey all the ideas we have in an academically proper language. Sometimes our ideas are not well written because we do not have them clear in our minds, so translating is a tool for thinking and Wendy makes sure the language (as well as the ideas) flow in a smooth way. She always asks the questions that make not only your article but your ideas go further..." —Asunción Martínez Arbelaiz, University Studies Abroad Consortium

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